I spent a couple days last week in Acadia National Park working on the revision to our recreation guide to the park, Discover Acadia. Working on a guidebook is much different than shooting stock photography or working on a photo assignment. I usually end up spending much of the day hiking or biking, generally exploring, and taking notes, but I’m always looking for photos as well. The hard part for me is remembering to get enough sleep since I’m usually compelled to get up at 4:30 to shoot sunrise and to stay out late for sunset as well. When there’s no guidebook work to go with the photography, I usually steal a nap in the middle of the day.

Spring in a hardwood forest on Mount Desert Island near Acadia National Park. (Jerry and Marcy Monkman)
In early spring, with the right light in a hardwood forest, the colors can be almost as vibrant as in the fall. The above shot in Acadia includes shadbush (in bloom), red maples, paper birch and northern red oak.
Acadia has a few nice stands of paper birch trees. The above shot was made near Sand Beach, about 2 hours before sunset, just before the sun goes behind Champlain Mountain to the west.
Over the next month or so, I’ll have more to show from Acadia and Down East, as well as …. northern Massachusetts.
Until next time…