This past weekend, Marcy and I traveled to New Hampshire’s Mount Washington to lead a winter photography “Edutrip” for the Mount Washington Observatory. It was the third time we’ve led one of these trips, and the peak’s reputation for having the worst weather in the world lived up to expectations as usual. On Saturday, we rode up the mountain on a snowcat under partly cloudy skies an 110 mile visibility. 60 mph winds greeted us on the summit, but we still managed a couple of hours of wandering the summit cone making pictures before nasty weather moved in bringing mixed precipitation and winds gusting over 90 mph. That kind of weather makes photography nearly impossible, but we still had a great time working with our students and experiencing the elements.
I brought along my Canon 5d Mark II and attempted to shoot some video. I didn’t have a lot of luck, but I was still inspired to put together the below multi-media piece about the mountain. I’ve been making multi-media slide shows for years, first using slide projectors, and more recently using software by Photodex, called Pro Show Producer. For this piece, I used Adobe Premiere Elements, which let me easily mix stills, video, narration, and music. Let me know what you think!
Yesterday I went out and shot some video of the floods happening nearby as a result of the weekends Nor’easter. I tried out my new Bogen 503 HDV fluid video head, which let me pan much smoother than what I was able to accomplish before with my ballhead or hand held. I highly recommend it if you plan to shoot video. Here are some samples from that shoot:
Until next time…
great images. It looks like you were able to give the lensbaby a real test. Did I see you using the lensbaby on the 5D for Video? I got back from the NPPA Northern Short Course last week and saw some incredible multimedia efforts. But David Burnett’s images over the years still stay and resonate with me, as did the panel, including Carl Juste, from Haiti. My heart goes out to them in the rainy season that is hitting. It was horrible to have the earthquake devestation, but now with the rains, they have floods and mud slides in Haiti with people in tents.
The river shots remind me of my drive home from New Brunswick last Saturday. At least I got home, where there was power.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Thanks Bill! Yep, I used the lens baby on one of the video clips in the Mt. Washington piece. It certainly helped emphasize the drama of the scene. I’d love to the the short course one of these years. I’m really looking forward watching Brian Storm’s presentation at the ASPP conference in Boston next month – he’s really defining the cutting edge of multi-media photojournalism these days, so I expect it will be great. Glad you made it home past all the floods. The rivers are rising again around here today.
Woah that’s windy! Some really cool shots in that slideshow.