Dan Grossman’s Website.

I recently met with David Gerratt at DG Communications in Acton, Massachusetts.  David’s design firm specializes in working with non-profits so our paths have happily crossed several times over the years, but the reason I bring up this meeting is that he recently did some work on the website dangrossmanmedia.com, and I thought I should turn my readers on to it.  Dan Grossman could be called an “ecophotographer”, but he is much more as he specializes in chronicling conservation issues in pictures, video, and audio.  There is some great photography out on his site, but the best resource is his audio files, which consists of a library of conservation radio stories he has created for the likes of NPR, National Geographic, and Living on Earth.  Definitely check it out.

Here’s the link: http://dangrossmanmedia.com/index.php.

Until next time,,,

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